at Inova Fairfax Hospital
Every SATURDAY at 7:30PM
Conference Room D
Inova Fairfax Medical Campus,
3300 Gallows Road, Falls Church, VAPark in the BLUE or GREEN parking garage.
From the Blue garage enter the hospital on the street level. From the Green garage use pedestrian walkway to second level.
Upon entering the hospital, ask for directions to Conference Room D.
The room can be accessed from the Green elevator on the ground level.
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Find a Parish near your Facility
Are you or a loved one staying at a hospital, rehab center, assisted living or nursing home, or other health-related facilities within the Diocese of Arlington? Would you or the patient like to receive the sacraments?
We provide a sortable and searchable table where you can find the parish that serves that hospital or institution, so that you can contact them to reach a priest.
Hospital Ministry Booklet
From the beginning of the CDA Hospital Ministry in 1982, the Catholic Chaplain would occasionally hand out pamphlets and booklets as gifts to the patients. When Fr. Stefan Starzynski became the Chaplain in 2015, he gathered these handouts into a folder and handed them out on a more regular basis. These items were condensed several times until 2024, when the prayers and information were combined into one larger booklet to make it easier for the Catholic Chaplain to hand out at Fairfax Hospital.
The hope is that other priests and volunteers throughout the Diocese might find this booklet useful to hand out when they visit their parishioners who are in a hospital, assisted living/nursing home, or who are home-bound. This booklet contains helpful prayers, as well as information on how to receive sacraments at the hospital, Catholic Advance Medical Directives information, how to go to confession, and much more.
For now, you can view this booklet and its content online, or download the PDF file to print, but we are currently working on ways to ship out the professionally-printed booklets to those who would like them.
Powerful Prayers & Information
We have many powerful prayers and information listed in our booklet, and have included these (and more) on our website to make it easier to access, especially if you don’t have a booklet. This web-based list will grow as we add more prayers and information over time.
We have also translated these prayers into Spanish for the website, and we are working to translate the information into Spanish. At this point, we have not publish any physical Spanish booklets. However, if there is a great demand for that, we will look into that possibility.
Oraciones poderosas e información
Tenemos muchas oraciones e información poderosas enumeradas en nuestro folleto, y las hemos incluido (y más) en nuestro sitio web para que sea más fácil acceder a ellas, especialmente si no tiene un folleto. Esta lista basada en la web crecerá a medida que agreguemos más oraciones e información con el tiempo.
También hemos traducido estas oraciones al español para el sitio web y estamos trabajando para traducir la información al español. En este momento, no hemos publicado ningún folleto físico en español. Sin embargo, si hay una gran demanda para eso, estudiaremos esa posibilidad.
This is a test post to see what emails are sent from Convert...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) Where, and at what age, the holy soul of St. Joseph winged its flight to the bosom of Abraham, we...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) As our readers have most probably remarked long before now, we have kept most strictly to the...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) With what anxious care did Heaven look down upon the holy Exiles in a strange land. The hour of...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) Egypt at this time was studded with great and populous cities; but in what city or town the Holy...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) Herod, deluded by the Wise Men, and fearing that the newborn King would be a rival for his throne,...
NOTE: As seen in Leviticus 12:1-8, Mary had to wait 40 days after giving birth before she was allowed to come to the temple to be “purified from her bleeding.” Likewise, in Numbers 18:15-16, it was...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) The first converts to Christianity were the shepherds; promptly they obeyed the voice of...
NOTE: The Law of Moses stated that “A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her monthly period. On the eighth...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) The next fact in the life of St. Joseph, according to the Gospel narrative, is connected with the...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) St. Joseph having got from God’s Angel the authentic, solemn, and divine testimony, that Mary...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) The distance from Nazareth to Hebron, where St. Elizabeth lived, was about 100 miles, and the road...
JOSEPH: HIS LIFE, HIS VIRTUES, HIS PRIVILEGES, HIS POWER by Very Reverend Archdeacon Kinane (1884) From the Gospel narrative it is clear that the Incarnation of the Eternal Word took place, not in...
NOTE: According to Jewish tradition and early Church tradition, it was not uncommon for some daughters to be presented in the Temple at a young age, to be raised there, and to enter into service at...
Most people think of Mary or Jesus whenever they hear the word “apparition,” but there were several times when St. Joseph appeared as well, either alone or as part of the Holy Family. He appeared...
Ah, the good old days, where we could gather with family and friends, go to concerts or sports events, eat out at restaurants or bars, attend Mass in a crowded church, or have a priest drop by your...
I recently got a call from a more-than-persistent lady to visit her Vietnamese father, who was unbaptized. I explained to the daughter that with the current hospital regulations, I could only go...
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During Anointing of the Sick (found in the Rite of Pastoral Care of the Sick), a priest first blesses the olive oil (if it is not already blessed) and then uses the blessed oil to anoint the...